Launch Event Photography in Brighton & London

I’m Rob Petherick and I offer product launch event photography services in Brighton, London, the South East.

If you need a really good event photographer, I’m the chap for you. Ultimately, I take pictures to support your marketing and sales, with great images for social media. The benefit of working with me is that I can help you promote future events with your latest amazing collection of launch event pictures.

Product and Service Innovations in Need of Celebrations

There’s great news. Your company is launching a new product.  Or, it’s just developed a cracking new service that’s going to go down a storm with your customers. How do you let people know about it, and find out for themselves how it all works?

Simple. You organise an event. (Well, it sounds simple, but I know these things are hard work to organise)

An evening of fizz, function and fabulousness. And why not? You’ve got something to shout about. So, all you need now is a…

Need an Event Photographer?

A nice fellow to capture all the important moments on camera?  Here I am. In brief, I’ll tell the visual story of the event, ensuring that I capture every key moment.  Not forgetting the all-important speeches or presentations.

Working closely to your brief, my role is to make your event look and feel as engaging as possible AND as dynamic as possible. It goes without saying that to attract future attendees, you want the current guests to look as though they’re genuinely enjoying themselves. And, that they’re focused on the objective of the event: purchasing your new product or service.  Even, championing it to others. Maybe, even to become your brand ambassadors.

All this, and more is what I can do for you.

I’ll move around the venue to ensure that I get different types of shots, and don’t worry – I have all those essential skills to deal with any and every lighting condition.

Great event photography? In my opinion, it’s all about being in the right place at the right time, reading people and getting great images. The right images for your business. Ready to learn more? Contact me today.